Dear colleagues,
The articles by philosophical practitioners is presented here, on this page. In those articles the authors reflect on the essence, forms, specifics, purpose and possible scenarios of future of philosophical practice.
P.S.: If you have an article that is not presented here, and you have it, we will be glad to cooperate.
Sandu Frunza_Philosophical Counseling and Communication
Sergey Borisov “Philosophical Way of Life as Cura Sui”
Sergey Borisov “Practicing Philosophy in Everyday Life”
Brenifier O. The Art of Philosophical Practice: Philosophical Attitudes
Philosophy and Self-Transformation by Ran Lahav
Young E. Rhee. Being and Relation in the Posthuman Age
Fatić А. Value identities: Personality as an ecology of values
Why We Are in Need of Tails by Maria daVenza Tillmanns _ Issue 142 _ Philosophy Now
Ginzburg Lydia. Looking at three years of ICPP
Maria daVenza Tillmanns. Parrhesia & Doing Philosophy with Children